Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Get Moving!

Ok, today I start back to the gym. Was supposed to be yesterday, but a last minute invitation to have lunch with my 86 year old grandfather, at The Cheesecake Factory no less, was more than I could pass up! Since it was across town, that pretty much consumed my child-free time! I am trying to work up to joining my friend's "boot camp" after Spring Break. EEEEEEKKKKK!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Ok, so it has hardly been daily. And I don't really think anyone is looking at this anyway, but I feel the need to vent my head right now. I don't know Brad and Jenny Wims that well, but my heart is breaking for them, and also for my sister and many of my other good friends who are very close to them and are in pain. I cannot imagine being told you are dying at such a young age. My heart also aches especially for his parents, who I understand have already lost their only other child.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Well, I did it. I have become the pathetic stage mom. I carted Morgan downtown this morning for an open casting call for 6 very small orphan parts in the Broadway Across America Tour of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. She was very excited about it, and had a very fun, positive experience, which is probably not in my best interests! And although her chances of making the production cast are extremely slight, the reporter from the Houston Chronicle certainly took a shine to her. Watch the video regarding the auditions which was posted on the Houston Chronicle's website this evening, below!

Morgan's Paparazzi Debut